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What's New?!? and Exciting ?

New Molds and an upgraded pour table at Location One.  Kiln still going strong, had some minor repairs this year. 

New, additional Kiln at Location Two as well as a new pour table and drain station.  


Still making the original Chocolate Rabbits, but started a new style as well


Another new mold

are these big peeps! 

The new Van and the loading shelves in it are making it great for our deliveries and there is plenty of space in there for picking up our supplies! 


New in the Studio: In addition to our classes and parties we also made a bunch of kits available for take and paints/pickup! for the holiday season.

We've also had a lot of custom gnomes going out. Here was a 30 plus custom gnome order for an HVAC company! They sent a gnome to each of their locations around the world! 

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